Wardrobe Audit: Clear The Clutter

This begins with cleaning your old wardrobe and removing stuff you don’t use. Make it a habit.
Even if this job is a bit distressing, it’s an essential step in reorganising.
There are clothes in every woman’s closet with invisible guilt tags. Keeping these clothes will cost you money and take up valuable space. It reminds you how much you paid for them and how little you’ve worn them.
With the knowledge of your style preferences (personal style), body type and colour ID, I am confident that you will change your shopping habits. By that, I mean no more spending money on unsuitable clothing purchases. So forgive yourself, and let’s move on.
Before auditing your wardrobe, apply make-up and style your hair. This will help you decide if you need to try on clothes. Remember to pair each piece of clothing with accessories. If you love what you see, take a photo. By all means, take a close look at the items in your wardrobe and put each item into the following categories.
1. Items to keep
Those that are in pristine condition and need no repair
Those that flatter your figure and make you feel confident
Those that are comfortable to wear and fit well
Those that are in harmony with your personality
Those that require no alterations to fit or proportion
2. Items that need attention
Those with missing buttons, fallen hems, rips etc.
Those that are soiled
Those that require alteration
Those that require another item to be purchased before it can be worn
3. Items that need to be given away or discarded
Any item that is now too small or too large
Any items that no longer fit well
Any out-of-date item
Any item unworn for three years
Any item that is worn out, torn or stained
Any items that no longer fit your lifestyle needs
Any items that are unflattering to you
Items in colours that are not complimentary to you
Anything you like in theory but hate whenever you put them on Dead underwear, the kind that has exhausted elastic and holes
Items that are not of the quality you now wear
With the clothes that are left
Over the years, I’ve observed that how items are hung makes a massive difference in how they look. Instead of wire hangers, I recommend padded or curved hangers. It prevents your clothes from needing to be re-ironed.
It’s best to group clothing items by type or where you intend to wear them. Corporate wear or all red outfits together. You will see what you need to wear more clearly this way.
Make an inventory of what you have left.
To complete this task, you must take an inventory of what you have left. This will become the basis from which you will determine your clothing needs.
Take this opportunity to sift through your jewellery, belts and bags. Remove anything broken or outdated.
Go back and examine your list. Determine what items you need to buy in order to expand your wardrobe options. Laying the foundation for your wardrobe is the next step.
As always, I like to see you succeed, so if you have any questions, please leave them in the comments. I’ll answer all your questions later.
All the best!